A standing appointment time will be discussed and set prior to therapy starting.  If therapy services are provided in the home, then there must be a parent or guardian (over the age of 18) present.  If a parent or guardian (over the age of 18) is unable to be present in the home, please inform your therapist in advance of the name of the designated responsible adult who will be present during the delivery of therapy services.  Parents or guardians must be present during the entire therapy session. A Home Exercise Program (HEP) is required with all services. This HEP includes a mandatory attendance clause. 2 missed sessions per quarter will place your child in non-compliance with their HEP.

A therapy session runs 30-60 minutes, this includes direct treatment with the child, documentation and follow up with parent on child’s participation/results in the session, any suggestions for home practice.

If you move or your location of service changes, please understand that your therapist may not be able to service your child in the new location. A request to change time/day/therapist could result in an interruption of services.

It is the caregiver’s responsibility to remain current with all insurance information and with the primary care physician.  Prescriptions for all services are required to begin and continue services yearly.  If a prescription will not be written by his/her primary physician, your child will be put on hold and/or discontinued until prescription is received.

Capital City Therapy Group does not tolerate aggressive behavior. It poses a risk to our therapists and other patients that we serve in our clinic.  We will work with parents to assist in managing mild behavior issues, however we are not behavior specialists. As a result of aggressive behaviors, therapists may need to end a therapy session early, request that a caregiver be present for each session or in some cases discontinue services.

We value your child and their success, but success is dependent on consistent attendance. Regular attendance is required of all children. If you must cancel, please follow our cancellation policy. It is your responsibility to let our office know of any schedule changes.

Please inform our office in advance of any cancellations and please state the reason (24-hour notice is expected). The voicemail is available 24 hours a day as well as the office email. You can expect advance telephone notice if your therapist should have to cancel an appointment. Please understand that the appointment slot dedicated to your child is a standing appointment meant to be kept on a weekly basis. ** If repeated rescheduling of standing appointments occurs this will jeopardize your child’s weekly recurring appointment. Based on insurance guidelines and your child’s plan of care, no more than 2 cancellations in a quarter are allowed.

Cancellation within 2 hours of scheduled appointment or if notification about canceling an appointment is not received, this will stand as a No-Show appointment.  No-Show appointments will warrant termination of services from Capital City Therapy Group.

Please note that CCTG will try to reschedule any therapy sessions that are canceled by either patient or therapist. Make-up appointments are required by most insurance companies, and it is important that they are scheduled in a timely manner.   During make-up appointments your child may need to see a therapist other than the one who normally treats them. All our therapists are experienced professionals, so your child will be in good hands.

Arriving late to appointments will result in shortening of therapy sessions. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your child may not be able to be seen at that time and could have to wait until their next scheduled appointment. Consistent tardiness will result in your child being removed from the weekly schedule.

Teletherapy service is allowed by some insurance plans if your child is sick or experiencing COVID symptoms. You must call the office and request this service prior to your child’s session.

Please verify with the office any appointments that will be canceled due to vacation.  We request notification of this information at least 14 days prior to the date which will be missed. We may not be able to hold any time slot more than 2 consecutive weeks due to a vacation or long-term cancellation.
